This is not me.

I have to make a confession. I am not a professional baseball player. Though, it actually works out quite nicely, because I find baseball to be incredibly boring.

This is me.

What I don’t find boring is strong creative work. Discovering that right formula of exceptional design and client fulfillment, is a puzzle I like solving.

I have spent half of my professional career working as a designer, in both a corporate setting and freelance. This background instilled a strong understanding of what good design looks like, how to work with a variety of clientele, and how to engage an audience, no matter what the budget is or how tight a deadline I am working with. This led me to be one of the most awarded employees at the agency I worked at.

The other half of my professional career has been spent in the classroom, teaching the media I know so well. What has teaching a classroom full of students for over a decade taught me? Patience. Kindness. Effective communication. Humility. This led me to build the largest and most decorated entertainment arts programs in the state of Florida.

These two distinct backgrounds have created a confident yet humble person, who takes a strong pride in doing good work for good people. I actively endeavor to make any environment I am part of better than when I entered.

Can Michael Pineda, the baseball player, do all of that? Maybe so. But I have a better beard.